Inaugural post!
This is probably where I should explain the reason for and my vision of gaslightATL.
I used to love reading Thrillist, lying on my couch, alternating between a bubbling glass of Goody's and a neat bourbon for the hair of the dog. Months of articles proved to me that the staff writer assigned to Atlanta is most likely gleaning his reviews and list ideas from Creative Loafing and Yelp and is probably a closet racist that doesn't want Atlanta to use MARTA. I felt like my city was getting shafted. Is my city - OUR Atlanta - not worth the time for a paid staff writer to explore and enjoy?
You need to be in on the secret. The Atlanta that makes you want to live here, I mean really live here. I love this place and want you to too! Sure, this city has an identity crisis, terrible traffic, a state government that loves to screw us and the most average sports teams in their respective leagues, BUT this is why it's great. We're all a bit crazy. This city, this state, this region, this country and this world seem hellbent on making every one of us insane so I say let's embrace it and have a good time.
Dearly beloved, we're all being gaslighted.
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